⚖️ Trust & Legal
Legal, data and complaints documentation
💰 Shifts & Earnings
Shifts, salary and pay
🔭 How-to Guides
Details on core products and features
🛒 Discounts & Gift Cards
Discounts, Gift Cards and cashback questions
💰 Loans
Frequently asked questions about our loans
✍️ Contact
Contact the team
💬 Coach
Info on the Coach financial wellbeing programme
💳 Credit Card
All things related to our credit card
🚪 Opening an account
Registration and setup questions
⚠️ App Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting app issues
💸 Streaming
Stream related questions
🏦 Build
Build related questions
🏦 Workplace Savings
Workplace Savings related questions
🔐 Access
Login and other access related questions
🧠 General Info
What is the Wagestream app and how does it work?
⚙️ Account Preferences
Account & communication preferences